If you like to bring creepy-crawly insects into your house, then we think you're weird! Well, unless they're Hexbugs, of course! The fantastic litt...
View full detailsDon't we all dream of constructing our own robot? Unfortunately, pretty much anything beyond a fighting machine designed for Robot Wars can be pret...
View full detailsWe're living in a time where everybody can take photos with their phone! But people don't care about framing, focusing and lighting the p...
View full detailsAccording to the internet, "Trust me – I'm an engineer" is a phrase that will automatically give the person who has uttered it the ability to fix a...
View full detailsEven though people who actually know a thing or two about art will probably want to lynch us, we have to say that, sometimes, a piece of art on you...
View full detailsThe Zometool construction system is used for the recreation and visualisation of structures from chemistry, biology and physics. It is suitable for...
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