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Ever since the first mention in the Vitae Columbae (565 A.D.) by abbot Adamnan, Nessie aka the Loch Ness Monster hasn't had much time to relax. Fue...
View full detailsIf there is one location where you certainly would not expect Godzilla to show up, it's your kitchen. After all, the famous giant lizard is usually...
View full detailsWe nerds often live in a different era. Our heads are usually still stuck in the 80s and 90s (Star Wars VI can't be more than 10 years old, can it?...
View full detailsDo you spend a lot of time on your computer? Maybe even eating in front of it? Then you should think about the best way to clean your keyboard, bec...
View full detailsWe guess you'll all know this situation: A birthday or even Christmas is tomorrow, and you still have no idea what to buy for a gift... But don't p...
View full detailsKeys are an important part of our daily lives. Who doesn't use them a few times a day to get into their house, office, car, cupboard, safe? Th...
View full detailsThe faction within our company known as the Unicornnati is trying to bring the cuddly mythical creature into every last aspect of our everyday live...
View full detailsOrder is the key to success. What's true on Earth is true even more so in the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek. As a captain, it's your du...
View full detailsGamer hands are sensitive tools, as we all know. And frost is something they don't like at all,… which can be awful in the winter as there isn't al...
View full detailsOver the last few decades, geeks and nerds have managed to conquer most parts of everyday life and we can proudly display our interests by wearing ...
View full detailsBernadette: "You can't just throw everything in the closet."Howard: "Hey, you can tell me what to do and how to do it, but not ...
View full detailsA simple plant can effortlessly brighten up your home, your office or virtually any room in the world without the need for money or effort. A dash ...
View full detailsThink back to your childhood. Imagine sitting in your room with the lights switched off, the curtains closed. You are busy fighting off zombies, te...
View full detailsFed up with uneven, asymmetrical, randomly sliced pizzas? We are! You know what we mean, right? Short and wide, long and narrow slices? Grrrr... Th...
View full detailsCommander, you need to embark on an important landing-party mission! Unfortunately, our communication systems are scrambled, so you can't leave an ...
View full detailsAnyone who has ever worked in IT support will know what the following situation is like: "Can you help me? My computer crashed and I can't get to a...
View full detailsNyan cats, long cats, ceiling cats, and keyboard sitting cats... Cats are pretty much rulers of the human race!Since we're obliged to pay homa...
View full detailsSooner or later, everyone of us will need to tighten a screw, open a bottle or saw through ropes or other material on the go (trust us, the rope th...
View full detailsAnyone who enjoys classic role-playing games knows how dependent you can sometimes feel on the luck of the dice. But you are not completely at the ...
View full detailsIf you’ve ever played a pen-and-paper RPG or a good fantasy video game, you’ll have developed a healthy distrust of chests. Because it’s impossible...
View full detailsooner or later, you’re bound to lose your keys at home. And when do they decide to go AWOL? Yep, right when you’re in a hurry and don’t have time t...
View full detailsHow can you become a fierce warrior that can take on Sayajins like Son-Goku from Dragon Ball? Lots of training! For beginners, 100 push-ups, 100 si...
View full detailsSpeak friend and enter! Hmm, for some reason, that didn't work. Maybe you made a mistake while deciphering the runes on your front door. Well, you ...
View full detailsThe gentle nature, magical powers and awe-inspiring horns of unicorns are facets of unicorns we all know of. But apart from that, almost nobody eve...
View full detailsLet's get one thing right out of the way… Yes, nerds can actually play sports. Just because we don't like running after a ball with 21 other player...
View full detailsIf you are working part-time at a computer store, then you may be bothered by those unnerving customers who always ask: "Where is ...?"Th...
View full detailsMimics are mean: Before you even realise what’s happening, these malicious monsters are already using their goo to keep you in place and render you...
View full detailsDice play a big role in pen & paper. They decide the fate of your character like nothing else. Not even the Game Master has power over them. With t...
View full detailsEven the youngest among the Pastafarians knows that Charles Darwin fell victim to a divine hoax when he found so-called proof of evolution. As the ...
View full detailsTo call the T-800 from the Terminator movies the perfect death machine would probably be an understatement! The taciturn Terminator from Austria is...
View full detailsOutdoor adventures are becoming more and more popular, especially, for example, during the pandemic it was almost impossible to do anything but go ...
View full detailsAttention! You should only own the Lord of the Rings Key Chain – The One Ring if you are the Dark Lord himself. Then it has unique and unbeatable f...
View full detailsWhat does a hero truly need? A magic sword, a mithril shirt and magical powers? Well, those and a proper jacket, of course. After all, what good is...
View full detailsThere is no pen & paper session without a Game Master or Dungeon Master. With all the organisational talent and the imagination a DM needs to pract...
View full detailsAs a cyclist, you live dangerously. Not only because you are easily overlooked by other road users, but also because you are almost defenceless aga...
View full detailsDo you know the situation? After a long year of work, you are really looking forward to your next holiday. So you book a great hotel and you make s...
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