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Even though you are well over eleven, you are still eagerly awaiting the letter to Hogwarts. You just don't want to accept that you will remain a s...
View full detailsCatching the golden snitch is one of those goals that are often within reach and yet require a great deal of effort to achieve. But the feeling of ...
View full detailsAt some point in your adult life, you will probably (like all of us) have come to the sad realisation that you will never get to Hogwarts. Neverthe...
View full detailsDo your thoughts sometimes take you back to the 90s, the heyday of video cassettes? Although the first Harry Potter film wasn't released in cinemas...
View full detailsAlthough she is an excellent postwoman, the snowy owl Hedwig is not only a useful animal for Harry, but also something of a friend. During the long...
View full detailsBrewing a magic potion is quite likely the single most complex thing a wizard or witch can do in the Harry Potter universe. Just one wrong ingredie...
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